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155 Items.

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Heavenly Home

Leave your worries behind and create your own "heaven" in this 76" x 76" quilt. Make it in soft pastels like ours or a version of your own. You get to build the home of your dreams!
Price: $16.00

Autumn's Arrival

Autumn's Arrival - Crisp days, falling leaves, glorious colors and an assortment of pumpkins. Who could ask for more? This 41" x 36" wallhanging offers a glimpse into the wonderous days of autumn.
Price: $18.00

Pumpkin Sorbet

Pumpkin Sorbet - A vision of refreshing lightness in this 42" x 42" quilt.
Price: $16.00

Good Morning Sunshine

The sheep are in the meadow and they are saying "Good Morning" to the rising sun. What a wonderful start to a beautiful day. Creating this 36" x 40" quilt is like bringing a breath of sunshine into your sewing room.
Price: $15.00

Welcome Winter

Every child loves a snowglobe. The snowflakes gently falling brings warmth to the heart year-round. Now you can bring this warmth to your home when you display this 40" x 40" wallhanging.
Price: $16.00

Teddy Stevens Comes to America

When Teddy Stevens came to America he was so happy to be here that he wanted to show his appreciation. He took his wagon and went around the countryside cheering and singing. Unfortunately, he only sang in Norwegian so not everyone understood him, but the joy was understood universally. Now you can create your own joy with this 35" x 35" wallhanging.
Price: $15.00

Hoppy's Spring Wagon

Jack Hopkins (A/K/A Hoppy) is happy that spring has arrived. He's bringing you some tulips and his favorite eggs. And his little bluebird friend is enjoying the ride too in this 27" x 26" quilt.
Price: $14.00

Gentle Violet

Gentle Violet, a 42" x 42" quilt, brings peace and harmony into our hectic lives, conveying tranquility, just like a day at the spa.
Price: $15.00

Snow Is For The Birds

Hey, even a snowman can get tired of winter! So this 30" x 36" wallhanging is Mr. Snowman's way of telling all that he's willing to turn over the rest of the winter to the birds.
Price: $16.00

155 Items.

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